Collaboration with George Washington University

The Nursan R&D Center in cooperation with George Washington University take part of the Global Partner...

The Nursan R&D Center in cooperation with George Washington University take part of the Global Partner for the George Washington University School of Business 2021 Consulting Abroad Program (CAP) under the auspices of the University Business Administration. The goal for the MBA students in this program is to work in Auotmotive Industry as a full-time master’s degree student focusing on up-to-date issues.

As a subject of study, a concept that will enter our lives in the near future, CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared and Electric) future cars and a SWOT Analysis including Industry 4.0 has been selected.

In this context, an analysis of current Industry 4.0 technologies and trends related to the harness will be prepared, and a SWOT analysis with applicable technologies to guide Nursan to develop and / or adopt relevant technologies. With CASE, the harness structure needs to be redesigned to reduce the size and weight of the vehicle. SWOT analysis is expected to focus on the impact of this change on wire harness production.