DPU FOTAM Developed Two Devices for Turkish Industry

Two different types of color measuring devices which were developed within the TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1505 Project by Kütahya Dumlupınar University (DPU) Photonic Technologies Application and Research Center (DPU FOTAM), have been delivered to Nursan Kablo Donanımları A.Ş.

Two different types of color measuring devices which were developed within the TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1505 Project by Kütahya Dumlupınar University (DPU) Photonic Technologies Application and Research Center (DPU FOTAM), have been delivered to Nursan Kablo Donanımları A.Ş.

Production of two different types of color measuring devices have been finalized within the project of TEYDEB 1505 (TÜBİTAK #5170009) which is a University/Industry collaboration project, with Nursan as a customer and DPU as an executive institute.

Two Color Measuring Device Have Been Produced within the Scope of Project

Prototype production of two image processing based color measuring devices; one of which – CM100 High Speed Dynamic Color Measuring Device – is integrated to cable production line and has the capability of high speed cable inspection on polymer insulation’s main color, line color, cable diameter, and deformation at the speed of 1500mt/min. and the other which – CM100s – has the same features of CM100 but designed to be used in R&D laboratories on stable cables, have been finalized by DPU FOTAM.

Production of these prototypes have been executed by FOTAM Manager and Electric & Electronic Engineering Department Prof. Ahmet Altuncu, Mechanical Engineering Department Prof. İsmet Çelik, Computer Engineering Department Ass. Prof. Doğan Aydın, Electric & Electronic Engineering Department Dr. Fırat Ertaç Durak, Researcher Şerif Ali Sadık, and TÜBİTAK scholarship student M. Cihat Akyol within the premises of DPU

According to the statement made by FOTAM about the project, technological know-how has been gained by Turkey in this area for the first time with the production of two different types of devices at the end of 23 months-long work and patents of these devices are in pending process.