MEGIP CERTIFICATE Ceremony Held In Nursan Kablo

On March 03, 2021, in our Tavsanli Factory a certificate ceremony was held with the participation of Nursan General Manager Mr. N. Çağatay Üstündağ...

On March 03, 2021, in our Tavsanli Factory a certificate ceremony was held with the participation of Nursan General Manager Mr. N. Çağatay Üstündağ, Rector of Dumlupınar University Prof. Dr. Mr. Kazım Uysal, İŞKUR Provincial Director Mr. Kamil Uçan and Dumlupınar University Technology Transfer Office Coordinator Mr. Mehmet Bayer. At the ceremony certificates were given to the trainees who successfully completed the 540-hour Wire Harnessing Installation Worker Training Program within the scope of MEGIP / Employment Guaranteed Course program fulfilled in close cooperation between the General Directorate of Turkey Business Association (İŞKUR), Dumlupınar University Technology Transfer Office and Nursan.

After the certificate ceremony, Rector of Dumlupınar University Prof. Dr. Mr. Kazım Uysal, İŞKUR Provincial Director Mr. Kazım Uçan together with accompanying guests attended to the factory tour organized by Nursan’s Assistant GM Mr. Göksel Onuş.