Nursan Employees at Picnic

Nursan Kablo Donanımları employees celebrated the 1 year of the company in Tavşanlı location with a picnic held.

Nursan Kablo Donanımları employees celebrated the 1 year of the company in Tavşanlı location with a picnic held. The program first started with a family tour in the the factory. Factory director Güven Dalkılıç, Human Resources Director Erol Yavaş and Production Manager Recep Bozkurt has given information about the factory to the families.

Then buses took the employees and their families to Enne Dam which is located on the road to Kütahya. Various games and competitions for children held during picnic.

Nursan administrative said, ” The face painting competition which is held together by children and their parents intensed interest by everyone. After the meal, many competitions such as pull rope, filling water buckets, big foot game and etc have been held by the parents”.