Nursan Kablo Donanımları Basketball School Project Actualised

On 2 February 2016 Nursan Kablo Donanımları have been implemented “Nursan Kablo Donanımları Basketball School” project as a social responsibility project and social activities.


On 2 February 2016 Nursan Kablo Donanımları have been implemented “Nursan Kablo Donanımları Basketball School” project as a social responsibility project and social activities.

Nursan employees children between ages 7-14 are attended to Basketball School. Which employees working in Kutahya Plant have been attended in Kütahya town and which working in Tavşanlı Plant have been attended in Tavşanlı. The activity started with professional trainers which is identified by Kutahya Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports.

All our young athletes who participated in the Nursan Basketball School have started their trainings after examining our workplace Dr.Kerem Keskin.
In addition, sportsgears with Nursan logos were distributed to all athletes on 05 March 2016.
