Nursan Q1 Award Ceremony

13rd of January became a very special date in Nursan Otomotiv history for the second time – Q1 Award Ceremony.

13rd of January became a very special date in Nursan Otomotiv history for the second time – Q1 Award Ceremony.

As honored guests, representatives from Ford and YST side, members of the Board of Directors of Nursanlar Holding and Management team from NED and NKD were invited to ceremony by NBG.

The opening speech has been done by our General Manager Mr. Kağan Yamakoğlu, who congratulated our team on this high achievement, thanked all our guests for their support throughout the years and gave the word to Mr. Zoltan Nagy Toth, Ford’s STA Manager. Mr. Nagy Toth held a thrilling speech, sharing emotional memories dating back from the very beginning of our collaboration.

The Q1 plague and Certificate were officially given to Nursanlar Holding Chairman of the board Mr. Erol Ergan who expressed his great gratitude in front of the audience and the Q1 flag was raised proudly on top of the pole.
