Support from EU’s COST Program for DPU

The project of “New Generation Nanocable Production for Automotive Industry”, developed by Kütahya Dumlupınar University (DPU) and Nursan, has been awarded as an international project within the scope of EU’s COST Program “CA18203 – Optimizing Design for Inspection”.

The project of “New Generation Nanocable Production for Automotive Industry”, developed by Kütahya Dumlupınar University (DPU) and Nursan, has been awarded as an international project within the scope of EU’s COST Program “CA18203 – Optimizing Design for Inspection”.

Application to EU’s COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Program, made by the project executive Ass. Prof. Fatih Şen, who is a faculty member at Arts and Sciences & Biochemistry, has been accepted and project was awarded to receive support as an international project within the scope of “CA18203 – Optimizing Design for Inspection”

Project Executive Ass. Prof. Şen Became a Board Member in the Organization

Other than approved support from EU’s COST Program, Ass. Prof. Fatih Şen has been accepted also as a board member (MC Member) in the organization of CA18203 – Optimizing Design for Inspection.

Thus, Ass. Prof. Fatih Şen and his crew, attend to this organization with “New Generation Nanocable Production for Automotive Industry” project with Nursan contribution, will be able to work with “Energy Harvesting Materials Group” which organization contains 26 different European countries including England, France, Italy, Germany, Netherland, and Spain chaired by Prof. Rhys Pullin from the UK.