Visit of KAGİK (Women Entrepreneurs Council)

Kütahya Women Entrepreneurs Council members have visited our factory on 26.08.2015.

Kütahya Women Entrepreneurs Council members have visited our factory on 26.08.2015.

Speaker of KAGİK, Chairman of The Executive Board, Derya Erden ÇERKEŞ has obtained information about women staff of NKD and the facilities.

Nursan Factory Director Güven DALKILIÇ specified that there is also a plant at Bulgaria and also told about this was the first facility which has R&D center at Bulgaria district for this working area. “Percentages of women staff of Kütahya plants is 49%, Bulgaria’s is 69%” has been said and then “Why we prefer women staff is the women to be much more skillful about Cable Production rather than men” added by Güven DALKILIÇ.

KAGİK President ÇERKEŞ said that NKD Kütahya and Tavşanlı plants have totally more than 800 women of 2200 staff while adding that they were honored of such this huge enterprise.

KAGIK members said that were pleased to share that NKD managers of plants are fairly careful about these issues.